Prepare to Vote on Amendments to College Bylaws

ACOS will hold its annual business meeting on Sunday, October 4 during the 2015 Annual Clinical Assembly in Chicago, Illinois to vote on several proposed amendments to the College’s bylaws. Members are encouraged to attend the business meeting for an update on the state of the College and the osteopathic surgical profession, and to vote on the following proposed bylaw changes.

(New bylaw language is highlighted in red; and language to be removed is struck through)


Section 2 - Active Members

Membership applications are accepted from osteopathic surgeons trained in the specialties of ENT, general, general vascular, neurological, obstetric/gynecological, ophthalmologic, orthopedic, plastic and reconstructive, cardiovascular thoracic, and urological surgery, and from non-osteopathic surgeons practicing in specialties represented by the ACOS.  Applicants for membership shall meet the requirements listed in the bylaws, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Successfully graduate from an AOA accredited college of osteopathic medicine or an LCME accredited college of medicine and successfully complete a surgical residency training program either approved by the AOA or accredited by the ACGME; and
  • Be fully licensed to practice osteopathic medicine and surgery in the state in which he/she practices; and
  • Be a member in good standing of the AOA


Section 3 - Composition and Election

The Governors shall be elected for a term of three (3) years not to exceed a total of two (2) consecutive terms. Discipline chairs shall serve a two (2) year term. The Residents Section representative shall serve a one-year term and be eligible to be reelected. Governors, upon election by their discipline, and the Residents Section representative shall be seated at the last meeting of the Board during the annual meeting of the College, following installation of the new President, and they shall continue in office until the expiration of their term, unless they resign, are removed, or are otherwise unable to fulfill an unexpired term. When a Governor is elected to an officer position, they maintain their Governor seat until such a time as they finish their term as Governor, move up in an officer position, or complete their officer responsibilities, whichever is greater.


Section 2-Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Board of Governors, one of whom shall be designated Chair, and a resident member. The Chair of this committee shall be Parliamentarian for the College. It shall be the duty of this committee to study and recommend improvements in the bylaws of the College.