ACOS Resources for Residents

Residents are encouraged to get involved with the activities of the ACOS through membership, scholarly activities, advocacy, leadership development, professional development and networking opportunities.  Realize your potential as a member of the ACOS.

Become a Resident Member of the ACOS! – Our organization welcomes you.  The ACOS is the primary advocate and home to more than 3,100 surgeons and physicians in training and more than 2400 students in colleges of osteopathic medicine throughout the United States.  Resident ACOS members have access to mentors across surgical disciplines, opportunities to develop genuine, long-lasting connections with peers across the country and the ability to take advantage of membership perks, including FREE article submissions to ACOS on Cureus Journal Channels. Learn more about the ACOS on Cureus Journal Channels here.
Resident’s Section – Participate in the work of the Resident’s Section, a council composed of the resident members of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, that is dedicated to the development of osteopathic surgical training through excellence in education, research, and leadership.

Committee Participation – Volunteer on a committee.  We need talented members who can invest their time and expertise to the mission and objectives of the College.

Scientific Poser Presentations – Present your outstanding scientific research as a poster during the fall conference (ACA) and receive awards of up to $500!

Resident Awards – Be recognized for your achievements and apply for the Resident Achievement Award.  Have you authored an outstanding scientific manuscript?  Submit your manuscript for the Robert C. Erwin Literary Award competition.  Both awards offer a distinguished plaque and cash prize of up to $2,000!

Resident Awards Reception – Join in the festivities to recognize recipients of the Resident Achievement, Robert C. Erwin Literary and ACA Scientific Poster & Exhibits Awards. This reception is held during the Fall ACOS Annual Clinical Assembly (ACA) conference.

Mentorship Program – Are you in need of guidance or are you able to offer guidance?  The ACOS Mentor Match program offers mentoring opportunities throughout the year to students, residents and new surgeons in practice.

FACOS Designation – Earn the prestigious FACOS designation.  Review the FACOS Activities Ratings Guide to start tallying the points you’ve already earned and plan your application process.

Advocacy -  Become involved in the College’s advocacy efforts.  As a member of the ACOS, you will receive multiple communications from the College outlining the College’s positions and advocacy activities that the College is engaged in.  Join the movement.

Professional Development -  Attend onsite educational conferences and online webinars to learn everything from the latest in clinical care to practice management.

General Surgery In-Depth Review Seminar Resident Scholarship  - Residents are eligible for a scholarship to attend the General Surgery In-Depth Review Seminar.

Online Community - Network and collaborate with other ACOS members through our state of the art, online community portal.  Discussion forums are open and ready for your engagement in areas related to your specialty of practice and special interests.

ACOS Career Center - Find a practice or training opportunity through our on-line job board using the latest in job search features and tools.

Special Interest Section - Join one of our special interest sections designed for members to meet, network and discuss issues of common interest:

  • Women Surgeons Section – a forum and reception held during the Fall conference (ACA) for women surgeons to meet, socialize and discuss topics of interest.
  • Military Members Section – a meeting held during the Fall conference (ACA) to discuss issues and provide guidance to assist the ACOS member in uniform.
  • Rural Surgeons Section – a meeting held during the Fall conference (ACA) for physicians, who practice in rural settings, to network and share ideas on how to successfully manage their surgical practices.